Night fell one year ago, like this. He had been writing steadily. Among these dusky walls of books, How bright he looked, intense as flame! Suddenly he paused, The firelight in his hair, And said, “The time has come to go” I took his hand; We watched the logs burn out; The apple boughs fingered the window;Down the cool, spring nightA slim, white moon leaned to the hill. [1]

Night fell one year ago, like this.

O white moon, I wonder if he sleeps in woods Where there are leaves? Or if he lies in some black trench, His hands, his kind hands, kindling flame that kills?Or if, or if …He is here now, to bid me last good-night?

Night fell one year ago, like this. He had been writing steadily. Among these dusky walls of books, How bright he looked, intense as flame! Suddenly he paused,The firelight in his hair, And said, “The time has come to go” I took his hand; We watched the logs burn out;

.night-fell {
  padding-top: 20px;
  position: absolute;
  width: 100%;
  z-index: 2;

  @include animated(fadeInDown, 800ms, ease-out);

  @include iphone {
    padding-top: 15px;

Literary Analysis

Cras scelerisque arcu non lacus interdum congue. Suspendisse potenti. Nunc luctus ullamcorper magna in laoreet. Proin diam mauris, egestas fringilla pulvinar vitae, pulvinar sit amet neque. Aliquam sit amet risus metus. Ut urna nulla, accumsan sit amet dapibus vel, bibendum id justo. Sed nec massa leo, at pulvinar ligula.

• Lorem ipsum dolor
• Sit amet, consectetur
• Adipisicing elit, sed
• Do eiusmod tempor
• Incididunt ut labore
• Et dolore magna
• Aliqua. Ut enim

Quisque est dui, auctor ac adipiscing at, facilisis ac magna. Mauris semper iaculis erat, sed facilisis felis ultrices eu. Phasellus ut orci non lectus ornare facilisis. Suspendisse gravida malesuada mollis. Praesent rutrum orci non nulla aliquet aliquam.

[1] Florence Ripley Mastin